


Take advantage of our free calculator to estimate the benefits you can potentially receive by applying for Federal Disability Retirement.

Employee Information

*Remember to add to favorites for future reference

Creditable Service: Years and full months that you worked in a federal employment position subject to FERS. (This also may include military time you “bought back”.)

Basic Pay = Base Salary + Shift Rates + Locality Pay. This number can be found on your Leave and Earning Statement in box #7.

The 3 years/36 months with the highest basic pay are generally from the most recent 3 years that you worked, but they do not have to be.

The result of the above calculation will be ESTIMATED GROSS AMOUNTS. Additional deductions may be applied such as taxes, FEHB premiums, and survivor benefits.

Additionally, the calculation does not factor in SSDI benefits. If you are receiving SSDI while receiving FERS Disability Retirement, 100% of your SSDI benefit is deducted for the first 12 months, and 60% is deducted thereafter.  

Disclaimer:  This calculator is illustrative and only intended as a general guide and should not replace proper legal or financial guidance. Additional factors often influence the precise amount of benefits one may receive and must be taken into consideration. Kal Disability does not take responsibility for any action taken as a result of this calculator.

Let’s chat!

Kal Disability 


PHONE: 800-661-0989

EMAIL: [email protected] 

address: 2401 Fountain View Dr Ste 461-28, Houston,TX 77057

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